
Outings ;)

Thursday again :) class ends and weekends is around the corner, I love Thursday seriously ;) hehehe.
Nothing much special things happen in the class today. 
Except for one things, baby Shien got dracula mark on her neck >< WOOPS!!!!
So now let's just skip to my outings date with bf & bff <3
Kim Wah came to pick me up after my class together with Tyane ;) 
I think most probably is because of my cell phone error connection, so both of them can't call me -.-
Luckily I'm able to see his car from my room ;) If not forever I won't get down to meet them ;P

Baby Shien transforming into Vampire Shien ;P

Went to Subang Snowflake.

Tyane <3

One bowl is FREE ;) I collected 10 stamps <3

Both of us love screaming inside the car ;P

He always got shocked @.@ LOL. Thanks to us <3


I wana buy a DSLR so badly ><

Met them while we were wasting time at Sunway before the movie ;)

Cupcake Chic <3

BF <3

Few of them or most of them SERIOUSLY awesomely sweet -.-'' but taste yum yum too ;P

Tyane <3

Fright Night.

Situation at night which we won't see it during the day time shopping here ;)

Wooooo. No one ><

I love the parking system ;) 

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