
Ngek ngek ngek. Today my baby Shien made pasta for me again>< I'm really so damn touch man!! 
But I still went to cafeteria to eat -.- Actually I just got attracted when I saw fried noodles, fried mee hoon and fried kuey teow at the cafeteria ;p LOL. So I ate the pasta after practical ;) Really appreciate it. Hehe.


Cheese Pasta.

Toys from chicky meal at KFC. Belongs to the 3 gorgeous below ;)

3 little baby gorgeous ;)

Went to UM after class today to take the tickets for the performance night on the coming Monday.
I not really recognize Yuan Han when he was waiting outside Mahsa's gate ;p Woops ><
On the way walking to UM Buddist Society's stall, there were so many UM students. 
Unlike last time, it was only cars and sports people. Today was extremely crowded with students.
You know why?!! Because most of them break for 4 months, class starts on September ;) Hahah.
I looked so odd all the way walking there because I was wearing Mahsa's T-shirt @.@
Yuan Han explaint to me a lot of their programme & activities, I did interest in those activities.
But.. I'm not UM student wor, can I really join those activities without any other repellent from the students there???????? I did know joining a Buddist Society never care where you from or who you are, as long as you are willing to learn, the door is always open to welcome you. But I still have worries lah >< Aiksss!!

After filled up the forms then immediately I rushed back to hostel ;) to swim ;) together with KC.
and MUAHAHA! We went to night market at SS2 after we swam, not with KC but with Eewin, Fiona and Yuet May ;) KC went they with his gang. 
We went to Chilli Pan Mee for dinner after a short walk at the night market.
There was no bus passing by when we waited at the roadside, erm actually we waited at another side which bus don't usually pass by there -.-'' so we ended up taking taxi back to Mahsa.
I think the meter in the taxi is definitely a cheat meter because the money just raised so damn freaking fast from RM3 to RM5.70 all the way from SS2 to Mahsa although it was just a medium short distance. LOL.
The meter continued to increase although the taxi already stopped. You see!?? Really cheated one @.@

Recently Mahsa had been so strict, students have to show their ID card after 7pm to get entry into the hostel. They never check ID card before this lor. What had happened ah?? Hehe. Between, it's good lah, because it can keep the students a more safety hostel ;) Good job. 

You can add in how much chilli as you like ;)

Chicken flavour.

Pork ;)


Had a good nights out with them ;) 
It's really so surprised that I can actually upload all my photos as well as update my blog using hostel's wifi ;)
Hmmm. It's midnight now, so freaking windy and cold @.@ 
Good nights LOVES!!! 

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