
Woops!! Rain pouring again today >< Freakinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg cold. 
Hmmm~ Bad weather led to few of my friends got sick T.T hope they can recover as soon as possible la.
One of them is my roommate, Yi Veen @.@ aiyo. Have to force her drink plenty of water already ;p hehe.
Today is 3rd Biology practical, but ermm no photos because I forgot to bring my camera charger to hostel ;p so obviously lmy camera will be low battery supply, if not there will be bundle of photos ;P
I used to stay in the room instead of going to study area. 
Reasons are :
1. Erm I'm abit hygienic @.@ whenever I come back from outside, I feel like bathing again -.-
2. I'm really lazy to change cloths again and again after I get back from study area.
3. Weather is so cold recently, staying in room will be much more warmer. 
4. I can lie on bed anytime as I like ;p Hehehe. 
5. I used to wear ermm sort like pajamas in the room which I cannot wear it at study area right? ;p
6. I can eat my biscuits anytime ;)
7. I can hug my pillow while revising or doing my homework. 
8. I can be as rude as I want XD ngek ngek ngek.

Our dinner >> Tom Yam Cup Noodles 

It is so tasty during the freezing night ;)

An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.

Poor Yi Veen looked so pale but I'm still happy ah?! @.@ oops.

There will be Mathematics Assessment tomorrow. 
Good luck to me la ><

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