
Why am I not crying? O.O

Boyfriend is going to Australia today T.T of course I went to send him la >< I went to airport together with him. I almost met all his aunties, uncles and relatives because his mom went to fetch his grandma before we headed to airport. Ohgod! It really did scared me ;p We were late because WenWen them already reached LCCT airport when we still at his grandma's house -.-'' LOL! All his buddies cried like hell but not me. Why ha? I did miss him but why am I not crying? @.@ I felt so guilty when everyone was crying. Kill me pleasee!!! Isn't it because I already used to parting scene? Or isn't it I know he will be coming back later so I don't feel like crying? Or isn't it I think we can still communicate as well as seeing each other through skype? Lalala. Anything lah~ I know I'm bad la T.T okay~ Skip that.. We then backed after he boarded in, we can't follow what ;p WenWen can be a professional F1 racer already ;) She drove fast ;p LOL! We went to the wrong route~Sepang >< and then Chun Jiet & WenWen argued because of that ;p Actually they argued few times already la, they were really so funny ;p I'm not trying to be gloat la. They are buddies, so when they argued is just like kiddy fighting like that. Arghh! Don't know how to explain. You will know that if you see it you experience it yourself ;) And Hui Teng is always the middle people who calm both of them down^^ We went to Siang Malam for supper and chitchatting. Ohya ohya. KimWah called us before he boarded onto the plane ;) All of us truly miss him! Take good care ya!!

Group photo session ;)

Him & his buddiess ;)

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