
Am I awesome? ;)

Why am I saying myself awesome? It's because... I drove to Port Dickson leh ;) and also this was the first time I drove in highway! HAHAHA ;p I'm not showing off lah, just wanted to express my happiness  Actually me & Huei Chee should be following CW Buddist Society friends & teachers to Port Dickson a day before, but both of us had to attend our own important appointment. We wanted to call off the trip since we can't make it right? But teachers want us to go so no choice we must go there the next day which is today >< Since mom is not around, so I got car to drive ;p And I decided to drive to Port Dickson myself instead of asking dad to send us there since he got his stuffs to do also what. [He didn't know about it ;p I'm a bad daughter ><] I don't really know about the route so we stopped outside Huei Chee's house. She called her parents to ask for the route. Her parents were so worried about us and kept calling us to make sure that we were on the correct route ;) Thank you so much to her parents for leading us to Port Dickson. After we reached Port Dickson, there was a big giant sign board situated right in front the traffic light we stopped by [Glory Beach Resort >>> 5km] Hoorayy! I got no worries how to go to that resort after I saw that sign board. Hehehe ;) After we parked the car, we went to look for them at swimming pool. Seriously we just wanted to show up only, we don't really want to play ;p Two of us kept chitchatting as well as eating ;) The fried egg was really delicious Hehehe. Thank you so much to everyone. We went back at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I didn't drive at the highway route this time as I followed teachers and seniors' car. And the back seat of my car added on 2 little junior boys ;) I hope I didn't scare them when I was driving ;p Hehehe. All the seniors drove so fast until they disappeared from my sight, luckily teachers waited for me>< If not I'm going to cry at the roadside already. Hehehe~ Ohya! While I was driving, Huei Chee was chatting with her boy boy. Then she passed the call to me >> Chun Qian asked me to drive carefully -.-'' I'm a driver who drive safely lo ;p LOL. All of us went for lunch at al-Wazer Maju, Kemayan Square after we reached Seremban ;) Maggi goreng is so tasty^^ You know what?! San ge~my cousin brother sat right behind me and I didn't realize it until we were bout to leave the mamak ;p Really got a shocked >< Hehehe. And lastly thank you to teachers and everyone again because I feel like I was like cheating food instead of helping ;p LOL! I need not back to hostel today because it's mid-sem break. But it's only last for a week -.-''

She's Huei Chee, didn't meet her for a long time. Miss her so much 

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