
Webcamie ♥

He's my only entertainer during my holiday ♥ 
I don't feel like doing anything since I'm really so sick T.T
I just kept webcamie with him through skype after he got back from college.
Thank you so much for accompanying me throughout the week ;)
He kills all my boredom, sadness, madness and bla bla bla ;p
He brings me joyfulness and happiness 
He always accepted my bad attitude ><
He always forgive my mistakes ;D
He always worry me for anything @.@
He never ever angry me.
He's my boyfriend~ KW ;>
Hehehe. I heart him so much
Thank you so so much for sparing time for me^^
I got some funny pictures of him when we webcamie ;)

LOOK! He's so cute right? ;p 

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