
Traditional Attire ;)

We were asked to wear traditional attire today by Larry. I thought everyone will do that but I’m totally WRONG -.-‘’ There were only few of us wearing traditional attire and none of the guys wearing traditional attire except the organizer, Larry >< But it was really so surprise because some of us really looked different with the traditional attire ;) Erm I’m not saying myself lo okay? -.- I wore mom’s Baju Kebaya but too bad my body shape don’t really fitted to the costume @.@ and I had to walk so so so politely or maybe small steps because the dress not allowed me to walk broadly and rudely. So I said today is the first time ever for me to walk that polite in small small steps -.- LOL! Ohya. I didn’t mention what I ate for my breakfast isn’t it? Hehehe. I ate Sausage McMuffin with egg and a cup of tea at McD ;) After the Chemistry Tuturiol Assessment, the Chemistry Power Point Presentation should be started today but none of us fully prepared -.-‘’ Miss Noorul first choose 4 groups to present on today (including our group , we were so lucky ah -.-) We did get shocked once she said our group but still accepted the truth and keep practicing, preparing for the presentation. But.. Once Miss Noorul backed from the office, she asked us who want to volunteer but none of us put up the hands @.@ She was really angry at us, she said when she told us the presentation will be starts on 20th June then it really did, there was enough time for us to prepare during our mid-sem break holiday. After that, she said there’s no presentation today and our presentation will be starting tomorrow onwards. No rejection once your group is choosen >< LOL. I was ready to present already but cancelled now -.- Aikss. Nevermind. Let’s do it tomorrow ;) Hehehe. Ohya. And then she asked us to pass up the hardcopy and softcopy to her before 5pm. Some of them haven finished their slides or they already finished but didn’t print it out. So they have to done it before 5pm. And then, Miss Noorul just marked the assessment papers while we did the test exercise while chatting ;p I only ate a red bean bun and a packet of biscuits for my lunch because I was really not hungry and the rest I left it as my dinner because I don’t feel like eating anything. Don’t know why? You ask my stomach la ;) Hehe. Actually I kinda hyper during the class, I meant when got break or during the lunch time or before the class starts ;P non-stop laughing and talking -.- Isn’t it the effect of the white wine that I drank yesterday ah? ;P hehehe. I had nap after bathed and red bean bun and biscuits as my dinner. Don’t say I’m weird, I’M NOT! I’m just not hungry ;) I kept editing photos and hardworking for my blog in the room instead of joining Yi Veen them at cafeteria. Sorry sorry ya! >< Ohya. One weird things happened to me T.T I don’t know whether it’s allergy or what?? I got plenty of red tiny dots on my body T.T Why ah? Anyone know about it? Hmmm. Since there is no wifi connection in my room, so I can’t chat with my boyfriend. Before that, I said : It’s okay lahh, nothing to miss because we can still skype or chat during the weekend what?? Ahhh DAMN! I really not used to it for not chatting with him or seeing his message for even one day T.T anyone please kill me please? I really did miss him so so much! T.T Hmmm. I have to get used to it now;) I must go through it and I must can do that ;D Siow Yi Xin, you have to put much much efforts on studies!! Sem 1 final is coming very very soon and many assessments and tests are waiting for you. ADD OIL!! Good luck to me and him too ;) Can’t wait to chat with him on weekend.That’s all for now lah. I was talking too much of nonsense -.- Sorry about that and thank you for reading ;) Now let’s the photos below do the talks 

Sausage McMuffin Egg ;)

Silly, Jay, Sally ♥

I love all of them 

Shien treated us her layer cake ;) Awesomely delicious!

Ah Siang who loves sundae cone so so much! ;P

Ranitha and Thurga

Sharon and Jovigne where trying to print their reports ;)

Two gorgeous buddies of mine 

You SEE! Jovigne looked so damn sexy right? @.@

Aiyak! Wan Chien wanted to kiss me leh O.O

Picture in the camera ;D


Junn Harn, our Wong Sifu ;)

Jay Jelly Sally Silly 

Timetable change again >< But actually it's a good new because the time is shorter ;P

Traditional attire ;)

Jovigne & Sarah were so damn excited inside the lift ;D opps, Sally spotted my camera ><

Before leaving PBD.

Reached JUC 

It's 2.15am now. Time to sleep ;) 
I had napped for 2 times today. 
Good nights~

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