
Father's Day ♥

It’s Father’s Day today ;) Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers around the world and of course to my own papa lahhh. I thought we will be going to grandpa’s house for celebration but noppp because my papa had to attend the swimming competition at Paroi til evening like that >< You know what?! Actually I was quite happy when I knew that because I prefer celebrate with papa with the family. This doesn’t mean that I don’t like my granpa wor, I just don’t like to go back to grandpa’s house because it’s quite hot there and it takes time to go to Jelebu from Seremban. And some of my cousins don’t really cooperate because everytime we wanted to sing a birthday song or any other celebration, they were like not really happy with it. The most important part is I don’t really feel the happiness lo. I wish I would bring my grandparents together with us at Seremban for any celebration instead of going back. Ohya ohya. Actually most of the relative from mama that side is much much more closer compare to papa that side>< You know why?! Ask me personally lahh ;P hehehehe.
I drove JieJie out for breakfast in the morning or maybe it can be considered as branch ;) Hehehe. Thanks a lot to JieJie for treating me branch ya After that we went to Tesco because JieJie wanted to buy conditioner so we bought some other stuffs like biscuits and other else bla bla bla. Ohya I met Pn Soam at Tesco together with her children ;) And ohya ohya. JieJie bought a white wine from Italy as a father’s day gift for papa^^ Actually it should be shared by 3 of us >< Thanks to JieJie again for buying biscuits for me ;) Hehehe. We backed home after buying our stuffs. Then I rushed for my reports and presentation slide then printed them out while waiting papa to back for dinner^^ I also packed my luggage, preparing to back to JUC tonight by GorGor’s car together with JieJie ;) Hehe. Ohya I found a damn nice Taiwan movie leh >>Love You( 醉后决定爱上你 ) I wanted to download it lahh but have to wait til the next weekend when I get back home from JUC. Because I can’t download in my room as it can’t even connect to wifi or the wifi of my school is *ucking slow -.-‘’ In addition, I can’t leave my laptop in house because I wanted to use it here also what >< Hmmm. So just wait til weekend la ;) And I skype with Kim Wah before papa backed home  Finally papa is home and then we went to Pizza Italia for dinner as well as to celebrate Father’s Day. It was 6.30pm but already no more tables inside the restaurant, so no choice I just sat outside. Oh well~ We got the chance to breathe in fresh air what ;) Hehehe. Ohya I ordered hot chocolate, it tasted more like hot milky chocolate lo. I can made a better hot rich chocolate!! @.@ We asked the waiter to take picture for us after our meal ;) Hehehe. Me & JieJie shared the bill. Ohya we did have a wine giving ceremony for papa ;) Hehe. But we brought the white wine home instead of drinking it there. Why ah? Italian food should match with Italy white wine what ;P Hehe. After I got back home, again I skype with my lovely boyfriend >> Kim Wah and while skyping, JieJie brought the white wine up for us ;) And then me & JieJie became so crazy after drinking it -.-‘’ LOL. Both of us kept laughing and laughing like hell for anything. HAHAHA. And that time I was still skyping with him ;P we snapshot for him too^^ Hahaha. After I drank the white wine, my face didn’t turn into pinkish or red colour. I love mama’s gene. Muahahaha ;) But then my body did feel hot lahh ;P hehehe. Papa drank til blur blur jor -.-'' LOL. So funny lah him. He made me & JieJie laughed like hell also. LOL. Me & JieJie really sot til 99 and Kim Wah knew it right? ;p Hehehe. So sorry ah~ I just kept 38 with JieJie but abandoned you at the screen there >< Forgive me pleaseee!! We backed to KL from house at about 9 something ;) When we fetched JieJie back to Bukit Jalil, OMG there were so crowded with Amway people. So surely the traffic was really bad lah but luckily not that really bad lahh ;P hehehe. After I backed to my hostel, surely I will cleaned up what. No one is here more than a week worr >< Super duper dusty and dirty lahh. And I killed a cockroach @.@ OhMyBuddha~ I don’t really meant to do that. I got no choice. I really afraid of cockroach T.T sorry and amitabha! So after I cleaned my room, it’s already 12 something -.-‘’ And I had to bath because my body really so sticky plus dusty plus dirty plus smelly after cleaning up lah aduii. Then have to wait for my hair to dry up what. So in the end I slept at 2 something ;p LOL. Sorry ya! Hehehe. Good nights la. Time to sleep. If not D.I.E tomorrow lo. I meant later lahh because it’s already the next day what. Hehehe. NIGHTS ♥ 

Before going out for dinner ;P

We  Camwhore!

Pizza!! YUM YUM YUM ;)

Triple Play^^

Beef Lagsana ;)

Tiramisu ;]

Happy Father's Day to Papa 

Wine Giving Ceremony ;)

I love all of them so so much & mama too

We LOVE white wine ;D

White Wine ROCKS! 

This is the snapshot which made me & JieJie laughed like hell >< Because really quite alien la ;P

Connection speed damn SUCKS de. Always can't see him clearly ><

This one better right? ;P hehehe. I  him!

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