
no KTM next time!

## It's Friday, Friday. Gotta Get Down on Friday. Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend. Friday, Friday. Gettin' down on Friday. Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend ##
-.- LOL. I don't really like this song lo. Sing for fun only la ;p Hehehe.
YUEPP! It's Friday. Time to swim and time to back home too ;)
So I really love Friday^^No class, no stress and have fun!!! Muahhaha ;)
Today Ah Beng joined us also ;) Hmmm ><His freestyle not really correct.
I'm not a professional swimmer, but I still know a little bit la ;p Have to improve yaa ;) Jiayou Ah Beng ;D
After bathed, then time to get  back home. Don't know what happened to me. I used to take bus from JUC to Kota Raya then take Suasana Edaran bus from Puduraya back Seremban. But.. Ended up with bus from JUC to Midvalley then KTM back Seremban -.-'' I had made the most stupid and wrong decision ever T______T My mind told me there will not be that much people because it's still weekdays and it's afternoon. People used to back at evening and weekends >< AHHHHH! Totally WRONG WRONG WRONG. Once I got into the KTM, I was like ohmygod! A weird smell immediately attacked me -.-'' and it was so damn lots people in the train. So so PACKED! Air conditional is so damn SUCKS! So obviously very hot. And and and my backpack was not those light stuffs -.-'' There were laptop, 2 reference books, water bottle and so so on inside T.T and the KTM also slow like hell. I felt like dying all the way back to Seremban. My mood was bad to the edgest! Why I want to back home by KTM?? If I take bus back, I would have comfortable seat to sit, time to rest and good mood >< SO!!!!! I tell myself I WILL NEVER DO THIS AGAIN! No KTM ever ever ever AGAIN >< KTM~ You go D.I.E.....

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