
Today is Jay Jelly Sally Silly's PRESENTATION ♥

Today is Jay Jelly Sally Silly's PRESENTATION ;) which also the first time ever presentation in my entire life ;p LOL. Sounds exaggeration right? ;P I should have  memorize and edit my presentation earlier and the days before but at last ended up with SNORING on bed -.-'' But I still did some hardwork before I slept lorr >< Four of us got our own notes, what I wana said is my notes is the most LAOZYY -.-'' My handwritting was like shitt ;p I was really so so so sleepy that time what. Sorry for that lorr ;P hehehe.

One of the copy of my notes. Our handwritten notes were collected by Silly and and and "DOOM!" into the rubbish dump which I haven time to snap photo of it -.-''

Good Job to US finally FINISH!!  CLAP CLAP CLAP

Jelly & Silly in PINK

Celebration after PPP but too bad Sally didn't join us because she don't really like McD >< I want to save $$ too but today is the last day for the last coca cola glass and me and gorgor can complete our COLLECTION ;)

Banana Toffee >< Not really nice lorr! I prefer CHOCOLATE ;)

Yummy & Sweet Sweet LUNCH BOX by Silly's BF VERY LUMMMM wuuu..

SEE! Silly enjoyed her lunch so so much ;D

LOL. sigh! My classmates connected their lappie to the projector and played DOTA -.-'' 

Peggy was so nervous for her PPP next week that she kept on memorizing her talks beside our poster. JIAYOU!!

Everyone was like watching movie in the theater -.-'' Really that FUN meh? ><

No EYE see -.-

Me & Fiona ;) Her eyes are really DAMN NICE wuuuu ><

Sitting in front the bus was like sitting on a roller coaster >< Scared us -.-''

Our YUMMY dinner ;) Really so nice wuuu! 

Smoked Chicken sponsored by Fei Fang's sister ;)

Macaroni & Spaghetti match with Mushroom Cream ;)

Fried Ikan Bilis & Peanut ;)

Fried egg mix and match with Yellow Bean ;)

Fried Ham with Egg ;)

Shrimp Sambal always our FAVORITE CHOICE ♥

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