
Maths Assessment DONE!

Today is Maths Assessment >< and I'm so going to D.I.E. I told you my Maths is SUCKS what T__T 
actually my Maths should be awesome because I'm a pure Chinese what. 
If not can commit suicide already ;p GorGor always tell me this principle ;)

Look what we had done before the Maths Assessment? @.@ Gossiping -.-'' Content?? >> 18SX ;p

HOORAY!! After the assessment, we had photo session at the "balcony" near McD ;) 
Ah Siang wanted to buy Sundae Cone so so badly because he EMO after the assessment >< 
but.. Too bad " The ice cream machine OUT OF SERVICE " Don't cry ya Ah Siang ;P

View of the parking lots from the balcony ;) 

I love her 

I look pale T.T

Here comes EVERYONE ;)

HOORAYY! Assessment DONE for today ;)

From another angle ;) We look so so bright aren't we? 

I love everyone of them 

and lastly~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our gorgeous Harjeet!! 

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