
I'm a BAD student

Miss Tan is going to leave us T____T she will be going to somewhere else better than here >< so obviously today is her last Maths class. I didn't know about that until the Maths class finished, if not I would not sleep during the class @.@ so so so sorry!! That's why I'm a bad student just like my post title mentioned above. Anyway.. All the best to Miss Tan!! Take care ya! 

We will miss you ;)

Good luck yea!

Fiona & Miss Tan ;)

Physic Practical today about the density ;) See Sarah so happy ;p

Going to dissolve the salt soon ><

Cooking oil ><

Yugen & Stefan ;)

Plasticine inside the test tube inside the cooking oil.

Look at Pooja >< She's so fierce to Wan Chien ;p But Wan Chien not bothering her ;)

7 eggs with 2 onions ;) YUM YUM!!

Vegetables & Mushroom Soup ;)

Yi Veen loves this most ;)

Boil Boil Boil~!!!! 

Tadarrr ;) DONE 

Me & Eewin playing at the bed while Fiona & Yi Veen hardworking for their PPP ;)

mosaic FUN ;)

We are alien O.O

Our FAV post again ;)

GIF ;)

Mix & Match >< Can you guess which face belongs to who? ;p

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