
Dragon Boat Festival

It's formal Monday today ;) 3 of us wore baju kurung. And this time finally I wore the tradisional baju kurung ;P hehehe. Ohya Ohya! Today is Dragon Boat Festival also oh. I brought rice dumplings as my lunch which made by lovely mom ;) Actually it kinda not make sense, since I was wearing Baju Kurung, I shouldn't eat rice dumpling which is non-halal -.-'' right? Haha ;p

The most left hand side is Ah Beng la ;)

Jay Jelly Sally Silly together with Issac ;)

This the rice dumpling ;) I think I prefer hot and fresh rice dumpling the most >< haha ;p
Ohya Ohya. I had learnt a new word ;D rice dumpling also known as Ba Zang ^^
Happy Dragon Boat Festival to everyone ohh! ;)
GorGor fetched me and JieJie together to JiuJiu's house because it's BIG DAY today^^ JiuMu cooked a table of DELICIOUS and YUMMY dinner ;D she is really awesome ;) I had no time to snap photos of those yummy dishes because when I got to the dining table, everyone already start eating >< aduiii. Hahaha. Nevermind la ;) I still had a great day today. GorGor fetched JieJie to Carrefour to buy her broadband, the salesman told her have to give RM300 for deposit @.@ LOL! The salesman thought my sister is a foreigner >< I want to look like a foreigner too. When will my dream can fulfill leh? O.O haha. It's only RM100 for Malaysian ;) AHHH! Although today is a great day. I still have to revise my Maths la >< Maths Assessment tomorrow T_____T i'm so going to D.I.E. because my Maths SUCKS -.-''

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