
There's a great doctor ;) He made his decision being a battlefield doctor at a war-torn country after he finished his course. Regardless of life and death, not everyone can actually make this great decision.
I don't really know much about him seriously, I just roughly heard his great story from one of my friend.
He's Dr.Winson, from Malacca, M'sia. Click. to know more about him.
Why are we making Xmas card? It's actually for Haiti's children. They love Xmas very very much ;)
What are you waiting for?? Move your buttocks up & start making a Xmas card with your heart and soul for them and hand it to me right before 31st of October. If you can make it earlier is better ;D
We need ALOT. Please spare out some time ;) ;) I know you can do that. 
Don't be selfish, don't be lazy, it's just a simple task but you can make them really so HAPPY <3
A big sincere THANK YOU for those who make it ;) Big hand claps for you!!
P/S : Dr.Winson will be taking all the handmade Xmas cards to them. 
Let's see how creative Mahsa's students are ;)

Caffein really helps everytime we burn midnight oil ;P

Pig watching his drama via his laptop and laughing there. LOL.

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