
Staying at home on this sunny Sunday ;) 
It's a great Sunday where breakfast is well prepared by lovely when me and gorgor got up from bed. AHHH!! So so SWEEEEEET <3 
Yupyup! Our favorite >>> EGG ;) so so tasty! We love eggs badly XD

They aren't hard boiled egg but half boiled egg ;p But still tasty yummy!

Redeemed from Citibank's points by lovely mommy ;)

Mild Chili Tuna spread


Lunch time!! Cooked by lovely mummy ;) 

It's World's Pharmacist Day today. 

The theme for 2011 is:
I am your most accessible healthcare provider
I am a driving force behind discovering new medicines
I am the key that unlocks all you need to know about your medicines
I am with you in sickness and in health

I am a Pharmacist

I really miss home especially mom badly whenever I get back home from hostel.
I don't want to leave home >< I knew this will happen everytime I back to hostel again on Sunday.
That's why I refuse to back home every weekend T.T
I will not going back home for maybe the coming 3 weeks until my mid-sem break <3
Take good care everyone in Seremban as well as in other states!

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