
Being Squeeze like Sardine at Padini Warehouse Sale 2011

Oh Yeah~!! You didn't see it wrongly, it was only 5 bucks for all the stuffs selling inside >< 
Can't believe it isn't it? It's warehouse clearance as what you had seen above.
It was extremely super duper awesome CHEAP to the edgest because you can actually buy 200 bucks over stuffs for only 5 bucks @.@ WOW!! Really worth it like hell you know??? But absolutely you have satisfy your time for waiting, strong body for being squeeze like sardine by crowded people and obviously you will sweat like flowing water (free sauna) LOL.

Padini corporation is located at Glenmarie, Shah Alam, a place where I never got there before as well as never heard about it until Yuet May told me about it >< Seriously I a nerdo, I don't really know much things, people or places, but luckily I know where I live ;P hehehe. 

We got there from hostel at about 9am with 2 cabs since we got 8 persons ;) Seriously we didn't even have the address, no idea where was Padini Holdings, so as both of our taxi driver. LOL. 
So, we wasted lots of precious time as well as $$ turning into wrong routes again and again. 
and finally we managed to get there, thanks god ;D
The taxi driver dropped us at the roadside as the traffic was really so so bad!!! 
As we walked inside, WOW @.@ it was freaking damn crowded like HELL -.-
You can see it at the photos below ;) and then you will know how suffering we were before getting into the warehouse or even the gate. People was scolding like hell because they let the members went it first or they choose few of the people to get in first instead of those who waited so damn freaking long, squeezing outside
But. As long as you manage to got what you like in such an extremely REASONABLE price, you will soon forget what you had suffered to get it there just now ;) hahaha. 
and lastly, I actually bought 1000++ for 13 stuffs which only cost me 65 o.o Amazing right???
I'm looking forward to other warehouse sales or the warehouse sales next year ;) 
Come!! Let's SQUEEZE again <3

Waiting outside the gate ><

Same as the opposite side.

With umbrellas on while waiting.

The sunny weather killing us badly @.@ but still glad that it didn't rain ;)

Do you notice the sweat droplets of Ah Beng? ;P you will know how hot we were.

Sharon was so lucky as she can breathe fresh air in the crowded ;)

Poor May May, the hair of the people kept touching her >< Some sticked on my sweaty hand @.@

On the left side @.@

PHEWW!! Finally I was able to squeeze in by crowded into the gate. 
The first thought is " WOW!! Fresh air ;) Breathe~~~~~~!! "

Still so freaking crowded outside. 

Queue up after the gate entrance for packing your handbag ;)

Waiting for the inner gate to open.


 We got out at about 1.30pm and there was still crowded outside @.@

YEAH!!!! <3

Some crazy ass don't have the patience to wait outside, so this is what they done -.-

The road was completely stucked -.- really glad that I didn't come here by our own vehicles ;P

Seed is one of the besties of Padini ;)

Mini Toons building is just located nearby ;)

While waiting at the roadside for cab ><

YES!! 100 plus saved us from thirstiness :)

Our stuffs ;) Looks like rubbish ha? ;P

Where is all the CABS!!!!???

Girls Gang <3

Sitting beside the dry drain =.=

Fashion show after we got back to hostel <3

Time to go to bed ;)
Good nights pretty one <3

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