
I love movie & chitchatting ;)

Friday always an awesome day to me ;) Finally I got the chance to hang out with my besties after 6 days of bored, shitty, sucks holiday -.-'' I used to stay at home doing my stuffs or doing nothing instead of going out, but this is the first time ever I felt that staying all day long in the house is such meaningless and lifeless >< Hahaha. Forget about that la because it already past tense what ;p I have no photo today but lot of words, or maybe you can called this post is my itinerary of my lovely Friday I woke up quite early in the morning ;) and of course got myself prepared before I skype with my boyfriend while waiting for Tyan to text me ;) Finally I got to date 3 of my besties for movie and yamcha tonight but too bad Tyan had to do her stuffs T.T but the event still goes on lahh >< So.. I unchanged my cloths again with kind like pajamas tee and pants, continued sitting right in front of my lappie ;) She's the one who accompany me passed through my sucks holiday ;) Hehehehe. Although she's slightly older than my friends' lappie, I still love her so much! I had vegetarian maggi mee soup add on egg & vegetables for my lunch, then followed by medicine >< Finally afternoon gone and evening is here ;) Meow Meow is on the way back to Seremban from Setapak. Can't wait to see her! And I'm the one who going to pick her up at Terminal One Bus Station. So obviously I have to drive right? I won't be picking up Meow Meow by bicycle what? I'm not that romantic lah and somemore you will not be seeing me anymore if I really did that ;p SO... This is the first time I drove in the night ;) Am I awesome? I know I am la ;p Hahaha ;) Before I picked Meow Meow up, I went to the petrol station. I never used to "fill up" the "petrol tank" myself, I used to sleep, singing or even play with my cell phone ;p Or I only get to help mom to pay at the counter when she doesn't use cash to refill la ;) Hehehe. So I was freaking nervous O.O what to do? What to do? After I paid at the counter then I pressed the button to open the lid so that I can turn on the cover of the petrol tank, I was like AHHH! Why can't I turned it off? Should I screamed loudly, ask for assistance? Hmmm. Okay~ Don't do that first >< Try it again ;) I used my tremendous efforts ever, HAHAHA! I turned in on successfully. It was just slightly tight la aduiii ;p Immediately I rushed to terminal one after I refilled the petrol tank because I was late. Meow Meow forgot to inform me when she reached Nilai or Seremban tol. She was piggying ;p Hehehe. Nevermind~ I just used my fastest speed to get to terminal one because you know lah. Nowadays damn dangerous lah weii, I so scared she kidnapped by someone else leh. Choi Choi Choi! So after picking her up, we continued our way to Jusco instead of taking dinner because it was already 8pm and our movie will be starting at 8.50pm @.@ The traffic at the tol road which the only way to Jusco and the only way for me to get back home is always that *ucking bad during Friday or Saturday or Sunday. Very unfortunately I went to the wrong route which is the route to KL tol -.-'' Ohgod! What to do? What to do? PHEWW.. Luckily got a space in between two cars and not wasting time, immediately I drove in ;p Hehehe. Then we continued our journey ;) Since the route to Seremban 2 was freaking jammed -.- So I used the route from Oakland to Jusco which I need not wait for that long at the traffic light there ;p Guess what?! There was police blocking at the route to Seremban 2 >< I was freaking lucky for not choosing that route. Hmmm. Actually nothing to scare about because I got license and I didn’t race car what -.-‘’ Anything lahh~ Me and Meow Meow kept on chatting inside the car ;D I really miss her so so much! The last time I met her was on the day of getting our SPM results -.-‘’ WOW! Such a long time right? >< Once we reached there, we decided to buy sushi from Jusco supermarket into the cinema as our dinner after we parked the car ;) Those sushi were freaking cheap because there is always 20% discount for the sushi 2 hours before the supermarket close^^ I got a big bag which can put in anything ;P hohoho. I even brought packet kekwa, munchy wafers, water bottle, Meow Meow’s dou sha bing & chicken biscuits ;D we are going to picnic inside the cinema ;] Hehehe. WenWen came slightly late ;) We urged her to park her car right in front of the cinema >< If not it’s really wasting time looking for a parking during the weekend ;P we went into the cinema just in time ;) Although we missed those movie trailers, but once we sat down then the movie started;) Hahaha. Really we are so lucky right?^^ Green Lantern is a quite nice movie lahh ;D but then it doesn’t have much climax >< Ohya! There was an extra scene after the movie but we missed it -.- nevermind nevermind. Let’s check it out at Youtube, no worries ;) When I drove down from the 2nd floor, guess what?! I saw a red car which the shadow of the people inside the car really seem to be so familiar to me @.@. OMG! It was Tyan’s car, I guessed she just bought her laptop. Although her car was just beside me at the ticket station there, but impossible I screamed her name because when I was about to insert the ticket to the machine, her car was about to leave from another machine beside too >< So once I got out the ticket machine there, I tried my best to chase her car ;P muahaha. And Meow Meow called her to tell her that we were just at the back of her car @.@ Seem to be so excited right? ;p But I think only for us, not you lah. Hehehe. So we waved to her at the traffic light there because we were going to Foodtiam for suppertea plus chitchatting^^ and Hui Teng joined us later;) It was really so so so fun and happy chitchatting with all of them ;D we got to know many things and secrets ;P too bad Tyan can’t joined, if not it would be more awesome ;D Kim Wah, Ah Kit and Poh Zai were chatting at skype there, we joined them together also at the beginning but we can’t hear them plus we wanted ladies’talk too. So we turned off the conversation ;P hehehe. We left Foodtiam at about 1 something in the midnight and we were the last table which all those workers were waiting for us -.-‘’ LOL. Before I sent Meow Meow home, we made a U-turn back to Uptown Avenue . We knew there is two pub there and we wanted to check them up ;P But too bad we don’t really saw clearly or didn’t even find the pub successfully. Isn’t it closed? But impossible pub closed on Friday night what?! -.-‘’ Ahhhh~ Don’t know lah. Let’s check them out next time lah ;P I reached home at about 1.30am and this was first time I backed home that late by myself only ;P kinda proud of myself de. Hehehe ;) Good nights la my dear 

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