
Our Student ID is EXTREMELY cheapo T__T

Today is the fifth week of our practical and finally we got our own lab coat but whatthefruit is our labcoat is short sleeve instead of long sleeve -.-'' i wonder how a short sleeve labcoat can protect us from spitting of chemical solution? COMMON SENSE lahh okay?? >< hmmmm.. But it's okay for me lahh, I don't care about whether it's short sleeve or long sleeve, as long as we got our own labcoat so that we need not troublesome our seniors to lend us theirs as well as we got our own labcoat and will not chase out by lecturer in the laboratory ;) 

Today's BIO Practical is about Plant ;) 

Everyone is busy snapping the photos of the plant specimen from the microscope.

Jay Jelly Silly

Yuet May is awesomely CUTE!!
I used to have lunch with her after biology practical because we are from the same group ;) 

Sharon and Sheau Soon ;) 

Me with my labcoat on^^

Ah Siang with the fake specs ;> He's from Sarawak and I never been there ><

Jay Jelly Sally Silly 


Wong Sifu VS Leng Sifu^^

Here's my CHEAPO student ID >< OMG!! My face was like being hauted -.-'' Mark laughed like hell after have a look at my extremely ugly student ID.

Four of US again ;) all with weird look @.@

Phyics Practical ;) with my irregular shape. We got new friend today^^ Asha and Wan Chien ;)

Spot the size of my gloves? OHMY~ the left hand side is extremely tight >< actually both of them also super tight but I went to change another side of it. Teehees! Today's chemistry practical is about titration ;) I really love to measure hydrochloric acid using measuring cylinder and I stirred the mixture was like stirring milo in the morning ;P just like what Shien said. HEHEHE. I love partner with her so much. Thanks to her, I was able to finish my titration calculation. I was so damn weak in chemistry calculation man T___T Someone help PLEASE~ That's all for today lahh ;) Good Nights^^

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