

OMG!! I got food poisoning AGAIN -.- which the 1st time I got food poisoning was on last year at almost this time >< why ahhh?? Isn't it seasonal ahh? -.-'' so.. I spent my day sleeping, suffering from stomachache, sitting inside the toilet, vomiting, groaning T____T FINALLY.. I can't stand for the pain anymore, so mom brought me to consult doctor. There were FREAKINGGG lots of patients waiting -.-'' I waited for more than 1 ++ hours. The doctor told me I got food poisoning, so he injected an injection for me near my butt there ;p I wonder isn't the epidermal cell at butt there is slightly thicker, so I didn't feel any pain at all ;P hehe. so I'm not allow to eat spicy food, no milo, milk, cereal, coffee and etc >< the food that I can eat now is porridge, soup mee or mihun and medicine of course -.-'' and I cannot eat much~ OHYA!!! the doctor is SO SO SO SO handsome leh man ;p he spoke to me in Cantonese somemore ;p ehehehehe. and the consultation fee at this clinic is super duper reasonable which I had an injection, 5 types of medicine only cost 19 bucks ;)

here's my medicine ;p

bless me to recover tomorrow ;)

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