
ARGHH! I hate raining early in the morning

SEE! I told you hate raining early in the morning >< It not only wet my beloved Nike sport shoes, but also spoilt Yuet May's sandals. Stupid rain! Don't ever rain in the morning when we wanted go to PBD from JUC kay? Please rain at the right time~ Ermmm.. Example like after we back to JUC from PBD, during our napping time or the time when we were sleeping?? ->>> YUEEPP! It's midnight ;D

Pity May May had to glue back her sandals ><

He's Junn Harn ;) Alex was trying on my camera that time.

After rainy day, everyone dry their umbrella outside the class ;) 

Sorry LARRY ;p Hehehe.

My 38 roommate Yi Veen ;p

We love to take picture ;)

Don't ever dodge my camera lens, I might be angry you because of that de wor ;p Haha~ She's Wan Chien ;) Smart + Pretty crazy mate of us WELCOME!!

While waiting for others to print their reports at office ;p 

We have nothing to do but to camwhore ;D

Everyone seems not really cooperate lo. HMPHHHH! I'm angry ><

Finally Eewin is here after chatting with her boy boy ;)

Guess who is the husband and who is the wife?? ;p

Exchange situation now >< Tender & lovely woman at the back of a man ;p


" AHHHHH~!! Don't hit me!! >< "

" I'm SCARED "

" I want to KISS you  "

OOPSS! Cannot give birth already lo ;p

Slightly cooperate now ;) good job!

But still not really cooperate lo! WHERE IS WAN CHIEN ahh? O.O

Ultraman ;)

Sorry AGAIN Larry ;P

Don't gargle too frequent with mouthwash ohh~ It will lead to cancer because it contains alcohol (Ethanol) ><

GorGor fetched me out to Taman Megah for dinner ;) 

The most expensive chicken wings we ever ate. RM2.30 each -.-''

So happy that GorGor didn't mad at me because yesterday I forgot to answer his call when he already outside my hostel ;p I LOVE YOU!! ♥ 

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