
what a colourful day ;) just like these jellybeans.

Dion. One of my besties ;)

Tiv Tiv. besties ever 

breakfast at xiao fei's shop ;) ahma pig pig, overslept ><

we went citypark ;) very healthy right? hehehe.

Milo Dinasaur 

Honey Lemon

Nasi Lemak

Baked Cereal Bread

Milo Cham Coffee

Super Plain Roti Canai with curry

lunch at Papparich with Ah Kit, Wei Yang, Poh Zai, Dion, WenWen and TivTiv ;)

New opened Domino's Pizza at Uptown Avenue

It will blink blink blink when I did't put on safety belt. High tech ah ;)

Awesome day ever I just realize that I didn't take much picture. Sorry so much!! 
between. you can visit my besties's awesome blog : tivia
I went to Buddist Society teachers' house at night ;) awesome ever gathering.
It's so great to chat with them^^ But too bad I don't have photos on my camera><

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