
This week is the first week of semester 2 ;) so it's consider relaxing week for us. 
so must go out and enjoy if not we may not have the chance to relax or enjoy after raya holiday ><
after raya holiday, it's going to be a very very tough moment @.@
since Sushi King got special offer today so we decided to go there after swimming ^^
we met Andrew Huan right beside Sushi King, he was cutting hair inside ;)
while queuing outside Sushi King, we chatted so happily -.- 
actually I think way too loud ;p hahaha.
never mind la. they don't know us what ^^

6 of us ate 41 plates >< cost about RM114++

Credits to the waiter ;) he was so friendly and kind.

Double A mini tissue box ;) very cute right? 

poor Eewin accidentally stepped on muddy mud mud >< 

while waiting at the bus stop ;)

after bathed then I went to study area, thought that others will be there. 
but I think they already tired so nevermind lor.
I still can online there using my Ipod and luckily William, Danny, Leong, Ah Beng them were there.
so I joined them. 
and oopss I watched horror movie with William til about midnight ><
really creepy lor aiyo. guess what Ah Beng dare not watched but kept ask and ask and ask @.@
had an awesome day today ;) hehehehe.
Raya holiday is around the corner. YEAHH! 

This is the horror movie I mentioned >< 

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