
Say BYEBYE to Poster and Biology Report 1

Muahahaha! Today is the deathline of Biology Poster and Biology Practical Report 1 ;) Phewww! One word to describe : RELIEVED^^ But just for today lahh >< Still have Biology Presentation and 6 more Biology Practical Reports to go -.-'' OHNO!! Hmmm. Forget about that. Let the pictures to the talks ;)

Jay Jelly Sally Silly's POSTER  Child Birth. Naughty Poster! Because it made my cute Silly cried >< 

Here we are 


Cell Respiration




Nervous System



Human Immunnity System

Biological Molecules

Plasma Membrane

Human Hormones


my CUTE classmates 

Cutting, Counting and Pasting the chromosomes >< DIZZY @.@

A car of stupid indian guys used to flirt Mahsa students at the roadside ><'' REPORT YOU!!!

Rojak beside KFC ;) YUM YUM! I wonder why Rojak must match with Cendol ha? O.O You know?!

Me & Yi Veen went to Eewin & Fiona's room after our ROJAK ;) We had some fun there~ massaging, gossping and the picture above showed >> Digging ear ;P hehehe. 

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