
yum yum yum!!~ Sounds so tasty when you saw my post title right? ;) 
NGEK NGEK NGEK. It was made by my baby Shien.
I stay in hostel kay? Definitely unable to make this lor. LOL.
She such a pro chef and awesome girl. No wonder everyone loves her so much <3
She's my lab partner for semester two again and obviously my classmate ;)
Hmmmm. It's Malaysia day tomorrow. Woops! It's holiday but I always holiday on Friday @.@
It's great because everywhere will be so so JAMMED!! -.-
Although I'm not really patriotism, but I thanks Malaysia for giving such a wonderful friends, family and everything ;) hehe.

appearance nice and of course taste awesome la ;) i think she can get married so so soon!! ;P

2nd physic practical ;) very cute right the plasticine?

our professional ;) without her, all of us will be dying -.- LOL

Baby Sally & Baby Poo ;)

This is what I had done to the remaining plasticine 

and later transformed into this ;p hehehe. I know I'm so nasty la ><
 but I think I quite talented doing this nonsense ;) hehehe.
went for movie with MeowMeow at night. LOL again I'm not allow to drive T.T
we watched Apollo 18 instead of Nasi Lemak 2.0 and Johnny English. FULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL -.-
rawrrrrrr. ermm I really can't get the point of the movie lor. the time is short also. wasted my 12 bucks.
and guess what? "daddy mummy" were just sitting a little bit right behind us and 4 of us didn't realise about it until the movie had ended @.@ me and Meow Meow really can't recognize Darren daddy at the first sight. 
We were stunned for few seconds to progress until Joanne mummy popped out ;) 
owhh!! we had supper at mcD. happy meal no the smurfs one. out of stock wa -.- -.-
it's really great to meet them and had a good chat. 
and lastly thanks to "daddy & mammy" for fetching us back, if not I gotta sleep at the roadside ;p LOL
kay lah. have a great tight sweet night everyone. 

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