
Teehee ;) This is the second week of semester 2 which also the beginning of our practicals >< 
Aiksss.. No more 2 hours break time -.- 
But we still have lots of fun in the laboratory with my awesome classmates as well as my lab partners ;) 
Practical time is no longer like the past, practical time for semester 2 is from Tuesday to Thursday, 11-12pm and 12-1pm. There are two sections for practical time because laboratory can't squeeze in so many students and there will be a mess if too many students in the lab. So the group who go to the lab first will have 2 hours break after the practical while another group can either relax, sleep or eat before go the lab @.@ 
and of course two groups have to take turn ;) hehe. 
Today's practical is quite easy because we only need to observed the microscopic stucture of pancreas via microscope ;) I love taking pictures, especially during the leisure time. ngek ngek ngek!

baby poo <3

Beng Beng ;) see who's behind? ;p

Naughty Sally refused to take picture so she turned to the back T.T

Guess what?! I used this in my bio practical one ;p sorry ah May May ><


We went to KFC before the practical ;)

There are so hazy nowadays in KL >< Why ah??

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