
50th Anniversary of PBUM

Today class dismissed earlier after Biology Tutorial Assessment. 
Yuet May wanted to check the tuition fee for semester 2 after our lunch, but the admin refused to tell because it was lunch time -.- LOL. There was people there, but they don't want to check also @.@
So we waited at the admin until 2 ish while doing our own stuffs as well as chitchatting ;) 
In the end, we went up to the classroom because it was Mr.Daniel's class later.
Today Mr.Daniel was in such a good awesome mood ;D he allowed us to break for 10 minutes to get down to drink free milo as well as playing games >< The milo roadshow was organized by MYC. 
Whenever you submit an creative idea of sports game, you will get a tin can of Milo free ;D 
Although we went into the classroom slightly late, but still he didn't mad at us ^^ 
Group 1 was having I.T class, they surfed FB through the computer at the lab. LOL.

He's Beng Beng ;)

Free Milo file when you tag 5 of your FB friends ;)

It's FREE!!

We went to UM in the evening to attend their 50th anniversary performance as well as welcome performance night ;) with Yuet May, Hian Beng, Yi Veen, Eewin, Fiona, Jovigne, Wan Chien and Fei Fang.

There were all kinds of 50th anniversary stuffs selling there :) and we bought alot ;P

Datuk Khoo was there for the opening ceremony ;)

Group Photo <3

Camwhoring while waiting for them which were taking away burger outside ;)

Home <3

Spot what we bought?!! ;P

Opps. Haven take dinner yet @.@

I bought 3 T-shirts which costs me RM24 ;)

Yi Veen bought purple water bottle too ;)

Had a great awesome day today with all of them <3
and last but not least. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Baby SHIEN again ;)

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