
today is tutorial class ;) 
since I  forgot to bring my book so this is the only way not to keep lending book from others.

May May's favourite post ;) YEAH!!

All unprepared ;P

** star **

Happy Raya Holiday everyone!! 

45 Degree.

April Batch massage centre ;D

Hey YOU!! I think you must know why I wana take this picture right? ;))
If you don't know then don't ask me ;P haha. Guess yourself! Blek~

Mom picked me up at campus after class ;) then we went The Mines.
There's a buddism exhibition there til 31th of August. Since I was hungry, so we went to Sakae Sushi ;)


I never know Sakae Sushi order food through this machine, but me and mom kept on bothering the waiter ;P 

No camera inside the exhibition hall >< so I only got this picture outside the hall ;)
Happ Holiday to everyone!!

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