
Buka Puasa

Hehe ;)
This month is puasa month so Ampangan got Ramadhan Bazaar which sell variety of Malay food. Sister wanted to eat roti jala badly but she doesn't want to follow us to Ampangan, what a big lazy ass >< Today is also a special day for Chinese or maybe Buddist, hmmm~ quite hard to explain lah.
If you don't know and wanted to find out what is it then just come and ask me lah ;)
After we bought all the malay food from Ampangan then obviously we back home lah ;P before having our dinner, I helped mom to pray pray outside as well as burn those praying paper. Something bad happened.......... 
The first thing is before we got out from house to Ampangan, there was a clench size shit right in front of our gate -.-''
okay nevermind. 
Dad cleaned it after we backed home.
But another sad case happened, while me and mom were praying outside, dad was cleaning the shit, suddenly few birds flew above the sky and...
a black bird dropped right in front our gate and it was dead ><
Hope the bird can rest in peace.
Forget about the two incidents that I just mentioned above.
Let's check it out the awesome dinner of my family and I ;)

Sorry!! I know we are so so so not environment-friendly lah ><

This is Roti Jala ;)

Hehe. These apples weren't bought at the bazaar lahh ;P

Roti John ;)

Group photo after dinner ;) but.. GorGor still haven back from badminton court ><

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